
Mental Health Marnie Kunz Mental Health Marnie Kunz

7 Ways to Beat Mood Swings

How many times have you felt like “it’s ok, I got this, I am working on myself during this time, taking classes, running, getting stronger,” only a few hours later to feel like you can’t get out of bed and are drowning your sorrows in chips and sugar?

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Inspiration, Mental Health, NYC, Women's Running Marnie Kunz Inspiration, Mental Health, NYC, Women's Running Marnie Kunz

Body Image, Self-Empowerment & Running without Headphones

On my run sans headphones, with my eyes, not my ears, as my most engaged sense, I saw the whole thing. Even when my back was to it, I felt the pink blanketing me and the rest of the streets. As quickly as harmful thoughts entered my mind, they were replaced by gratitude for the sun, and for my limbs, for carrying me to it.

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