Get Faster with NYC Run Coach Iman Smith

I met Iman after running a rainy, muddy The North Face Endurance Challenge course in upstate New York. While our marathon relay team only ran 10K each, we felt like we went through the ringer in that muddy, wet climb up Bear Mountain. But Iman had just run the 50K - his first ultra - and was so enthusiastic and pumped, he made our shared ride back together so inspiring. I was happy to sit down with Iman, who only began running a few years ago, and share in his enthusiasm for running and inspiring tale.

For this Coach’s Corner interview, I sit down with NYC running coach Iman Smith, also known as @soswanky on Instagram.

Coaches Marnie and Iman talk about the importance of diversity in running, training tips, first marathons and more in this casual interview in NYC. They also cover meditation and how mental training can improve your running and help you relax for races.

Don’t miss Coach Iman’s best tips to run faster as well.

Iman Smith is a NYC running coach based in midtown Manhattan. He has qualified for the Boston Marathon twice already in the 3 years he’s been running. He runs with the Black Roses NYC, a NYC running crew known for their fast times and dedication. You can follow Iman’s progress and contact him about coaching via Instagram at @soswanky.

Marnie Kunz is the founder of Runstreet and has a background in journalism and is transitioning from print to video journalism. She appreciates bearing with her awkwardness and less than perfect video quality as she continues to work on her craft and smooth out the kinks. You can find her running on @Runstreet Instagram, tweeting at @MarnieKunz and on Runstreet Facebook.

Marnie Kunz

Marnie Kunz is a writer and dog lover based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a running coach and certified trainer.

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