We Run on Art: Jess Hofheimer Blends Running and Art

Art by Jessica Hofheimer.

Art by Jessica Hofheimer.

By Marnie Kunz

I came across Jess’s Instagram, @paceofme, when I was perusing @Runstreet’s feed and was inspired by her creative combination of artwork and running. Not many runners also create art and running art at that, and she is also a running coach. Read on to learn more about Jess and her colorful running journey:

Full name: Jessica Hofheimer (most people call me Jess!)

Location: Cary, NC

How long have you been running? 21 years

What got you into running? I was depressed and out of shape after college, and had developed some pretty unhealthy patterns and addictions - smoking cigarettes and drinking lots of diet soda and alcohol, staying out late with friends while working hard, and getting my footing as a young professional. I was just so tired of feeling bad about myself, and wanted to quit smoking and get in shape! I was intrigued by the idea of running a marathon even though I had never even run a 5k. I bought a book called How to Train for and Run Your Best Marathon, mapped out a training plan, and did my first marathon about 7 months later. It changed my life, and continues to.

How long have you been coaching? Over 10 years!

What is your biggest challenge as a coach? One of my biggest challenges as a coach is also one of my greatest honors - being there for others through the hard times that life and running throw their way ... whether it's with injury, illness, loss, or other disappointments. Holding space for people and helping them through the stormy weather is difficult but also makes me feel incredibly thankful to support my athletes through the inevitable obstacles and setbacks.

And the best part about coaching? Witnessing people grow, supporting them, and helping them to believe in themselves through this sport. I have been coaching many of my athletes for years and every single one of them has taught me things about what it means to be resilient, brave, and determined. It is so awesome to have a front-row seat to the kinds of things people do through this sport.

How long have you been creating art? I have been creating art for most of my life in one way or another, but I started my running art business "We Run On Art" in the spring of 2019!

What inspires your art? My passion for running and for runners. I also love paper goods and snail mail so I have been focusing on original pieces of handmade art, stationery, notepads, and cards that can be given as gifts for runners or sent as encouragement and celebration.

How do running and art go together? I have discovered so many parallels between the creative process and the runner's journey. Both are practices in self-discovery and self-belief. They require taking chances, failing, and turning mistakes into lessons and things of beauty. They have meditative qualities to them, and both call us to dream and to be present at the moment. They take courage too - to consider ourselves a runner, instead of "someone who likes to run" or an artist instead of "someone who likes to draw" ... deciding this is who we are instead of just something we do. When we make art and share it, or run and go out there and take chances on ourselves on a racecourse or within a run, we make ourselves vulnerable and are taking risks and there is just something so awe-inspiring in that. To make art and to run are both blessings of being human, we are all capable of both in our own unique ways if we let ourselves be and if we decide to pursue what's possible through the dedication and the daily commitment to trying.

Where can we follow along with your running and art adventures? Where can people see your artwork? I share a lot on my social media and mostly Instagram - @paceofme and @werunonart! I also have a web site for my artwork http://www.werunonart.com

Any upcoming projects in the works? I am working on a few! Lately, I have been making a running journal and would love to bring this to life for others. I've also been enjoying watercoloring and turning people's favorite trails and roads into pieces of original art that can also be made into stationery, notepads, and larger prints.

Learn more about Jess and her creative and running journey at CreativePace of Me and We Run On Art.

Marnie Kunz is an RRCA-certified running coach and the creator of Runstreet Art Runs, which bring together communities through running and street art. She is a Brooklyn resident, Akita🐕 mom, running coach, and writer. She enjoys traveling, art, dogs, and eating messily. You can follow her running and events at @Runstreet Instagram and Runstreet Facebook.

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Marnie Kunz

Marnie Kunz is a writer and dog lover based in Brooklyn, NY. She is a running coach and certified trainer.


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